About DSSS


Dashmesh.sen.sec.school is running under
the management of haryana Sikh gurdwara
management committee kurushertra.
Dashmesh sen.sec.school is founded by
local management committee president
S.Darbara Singh in year 1994. Since then it
has proved worthy of its great and revered
name. the school is co- education up to 10 th
The school curriculam is passed on the recommended curriculam set by the
National Council of Education Research and Traning –(N.C.E.R.T)and it takes into
account the recommendation made by (N.C.E.R.T) in the National curriculam frame work (NCF2005)and New education policy 2020 . the curriculam encourages students to understand basic concepts and develop a base through which to inform their approch to higher learning. The school is spread in 10 acres with the spectacular building with ultra moden facilities wi-fi campis,smart board class ,lush green lawn ,various sports field ,cricket ground,activites room,surveillance system and centralized fire safety for children.the school has modern science ,math’s lab ,computer lab
and a big library.